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PHASM ANR PRCI 2023-2026

 Pr Jeremy Bellien is Coordinator on an ANR international collaborative project entitled PHASM : «L'activité phosphatase de l'époxyde hydrolase soluble comme nouvelle cible dans les maladies cardiométaboliques» selected in the ANR PRCI 2022 axis «Collaboration bilatérale ANR/ DFG»

This project is developed together with  Pr Ewgeinj Proschak (Heisenberg-Professor for Drug Design at the Institut für Pharmazeutische Chemie, Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main, Germany).

POPHeart ANR PRC 2022-2026

Pr Paul Mulder is Partner on an ANR collaborative project entitled POPHeart : «Impact of pollutants and AHR signaling on cardiac function in predisposed models of cardiomyopathy» proposed for the ANR PRC 2021 axis « Contaminants, écosystèmes et santé »

This project is coordinated by Dr Marianne Gervaise-Taurel (Inserm IMRB U955, Faculté de Médecine - UPEC) together with Dr Mathias Mericskay (Inserm U1180, Faculté de Pharmacie, Université Paris-Saclay).

In this project, our unit will participate with evaluations of the cardiovascular impact of dioxine in animal models of metabolic syndrome. A new PhD student, Eva Correira, will carry out this project together with ohter laboratory members under the guidance of Pr Paul Mulder.

Dioxines et leurs effets sur la santé (